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Discover our latest insights and thought leadership on ways to deliver more meaningful benefits to employees.

4 key priorities for a winning employee experience

If the first half of 2024 is a sign of what companies can expect, we’re in for a wild ride. With economic, technological, geopolitical and social disruptions, 2024 will bring a myriad of uncertainty.

Beyond open enrollment: How AI is revolutionizing benefits throughout the year

Using generative AI applications for open enrollment and improved benefits experience year-round

GLP-1 drugs: Implications for employer health plans

The increasing use of GLP-1 drugs for weight loss is impacting employer healthcare budgets.

Top 5 trends for pay and HR professionals to watch in 2024

Rewards professionals will continue pursuing agile and resilient pay practices with an eye toward emerging technologies like generative AI.

How APIs are changing the game for benefit administrators, employers and employees

The use of APIs is increasing rapidly to enable the fast, accurate and secure exchange of data between systems, vendors and carriers.

Educating employees on how Social Security and Medicare enrollment may affect HSA eligibility

While HSAs can enable employees to grow wealth for financial security, rules concerning the interplay between HSAs, Social Security and Medicare may make them ineligible to contribute after age 65.

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